STEWARDSHIP 442 Lord of Glory, Who hast Bought Us 8. 7. 8. 7. D. Acts 20: 35 Eliza S. Alderson, 1864 Hyfrydol Rowland H. Prichard, †1887, alt. blood as of char hand ly, blest ’ry ly, Thy our on free life hum ev own; price, ty see Thine the i we Glo hearts, hon sor ry, dear or row Won Lord 1 Grant 2 3 Yes, 4 of us drous the suf giv yield bo’t Thee us en f’rings and hast Lord, With who Glad Which To the Thou to hast right un hearts sac to to of ri sol men thank done by have our tre emn it less dous Nev With In Chan Thee; Me.” stone fice; for mys shine ing tithes te of for are own sun grudg nels Thine the er f’rings tence, ness ones Due “Ye Melt That rious and Thy the of sen good lost choose alms length as not for at less dost ings by we may deign Thee, count be the to but pay, sue, lieve sand that cold be, which hast and O we And with our it of Right Can Till giv na Mas rob Thou Bless Warmed Debt ter, en tures, Thee, may gra self free not cious ish ly ing re to er giv’n oth to Thine to from hand; as ceive. you”? day. own give I us spar un than have an love A men. Lest Say That To and poor ful py Thy of more th’ un ing face by hap thank and that ed vil y, y With ’Tis “Give Turn e bless need pit the more and and 5 Lord of Glory, who hast bought us With Thy life-blood as the price, Never grudging for the lost ones That tremendous sacrifice, Give us faith to trust Thee boldly, Hope, to stay our souls on Thee; But, oh! best of all Thy graces, Give us Thine own charity.